Become a truly exceptional
Transformational Coach



MASTERY is a bespoke Coach Training & Mentorship Program that combines leading edge coaching & facilitation skills with ancient wisdom, and a deeply personal, inner journey, to support you in developing your own, unique, evidence-based Coaching Methodology, and guide you from being just one of a billion online coaches, to building a reputation the One & Only in your niche…

a reputation built on high integrity, impeccable standards, and truly exceptional coaching.



Phyllis Wilson
Hi! I’m Phyllis Wilson; Master Coach & Guide on your journey to mastery.

Since the pandemic began, the global demand for personalized, bespoke coaching, mentorship, and education has been on the rise; and it’s only gotten greater as we collectively re-imagine our world and create our new normal.

This is especially true among ambitious, high-performing leaders & emerging leaders who see through the chaos of our times, to a world that is more just, equitable, and joyful than at any time in humanity’s history. And they’re driven by an unshakeable Purpose to make that happen.

That is very, very good news for Coaches like you, who are committed to guiding people to create real, lasting, legacy-making change… not just accumulate money and empty status symbols.

Your unique guidance is needed.

Your unique wisdom is highly valued.

Your unique perspectives are sought-after.

It’s my mission (and my honor) to show exactly what those are, and how very true that is.

Most BEGINNER coaches feel like they have one of only two options: enroll in an expensive certification program that locks them into one, dry, clinical (or weird, cult-y) methodology, or just wing it and take their chances in the wild, low-integrity, “high-vibes & high-ticket” world of online coaching.

While most ESTABLISHED coaches – especially those who built their practices on a linear, strategic, problem→solution methodology – eventually find themselves at a crossroads: do you dare go to the depths with people, and facilitate authentic transformation and self-actualization, risking everything you’ve built up to now?

if this sounds familiar…

→ You’re baffled and exhausted by the equating of ‘Coaching’ with ‘Building a Coaching Business’ in the online space;

and if you hear one more bro-marketer (or their “high-ticket, high-vibes” spiritual boss babe counterpart) talk about how much money they’re making selling utter nonsense to the unsuspecting masses… you’re gonna lose it. Where, oh where, are the real coaches, talking about the realities of coaching, and investing in mastering their craft?!?

→ Your work as a Coach no longer aligns with a big, meaningful Purpose… or you don’t want to start coaching with anything less than full alignment with what you came here to do;

and you know that there is vast, rich coaching territory waiting for you to explore, if only you could find your way there.

→ Given the rampant fakery of the online coaching space, you sometimes wonder if you should exit the industry entirely;

yet, your deep love of facilitating life-changing transformation keeps calling you back in.

→ You’ve tried to guide your clients deeper – or market a new, deep-dive offer that totally lights you up…

only to be met with resistance, confusion, or crickets.

→ You feel like you’re quickly outgrowing your clients;

and as much as you love them, you starting to realize that many of them would be better served by a coach who focuses on more basic, early-stage concepts…

while you dive deep into the mystery, into the source, with clients as eager for that level of excavation and re-invention as you are to guide them there.

→ Your clients get some massive breakthroughs;

but they often come as a surprise, or somewhat outside the scope of your program, and you’re not quite sure how to replicate them.

→ One too many clients (or “practice clients”) have completed your program feeling good, but not amazing

and you’re tired of settling for good – you want excceptional, every single time.

I invite you to MASTERY, where you’ll step into your leadership and build a name for yourself as a best-in-class Transformational Coach based on truly exceptional skills & what makes you extraordinary.

straight from the source

What Mastery coaches are saying…

This is FREEDOM. I never even thought this was possible, honestly.

In the spiritual community, they teach you that relationships are mirrors, right? But, when you go from that perspective, it limits so much of your growth. Whereas because of the work we’ve done together, where we’re using relationships as a vehicle for growth (and not everything’s a freaking mirror!)… there’s this FREEDOM. And what I’ve noticed is people want to be around me more! Attracting clients is so easy from this space.

Life is so full. I’m so full. I’m so happy to be alive right now. It’s like nothing I’ve ever imagined. I never even thought this was possible, honestly.


MASTERY unfolds in ten steps, over three phases.

We’ll work together privately for 12 months at a time. How long you spend in each phase and how quickly or slowly you move through the program is entirely up to you. 

Your pace. Your time.

Love as Impact

Phase One

IN PHASE ONE, we will dive deep into your current coaching programs (offers)* to discover: what’s working extraordinarily well (and amplify it); what’s hindering your clients from creating extraordinary outcomes (and transforming it); and to mine the hidden gold in your, and your programs’, potential (and bringing that to the forefront).

*If you’re a brand new coach without a developed program, you’ll be starting your practice with the best program in your niche, from the moment you open your virtual doors.

YOU’LL COMPLETE THIS PHASE WITH a unique-to-you Coaching Program that is specifically designed for highly engaged, committed clients, and an exceptionally high rate of successful completion and achievement of both deeply transformational, and tangible, real-world results.

Here’s how we do that:



Find the 5 Keys to Massive Impact that you’re naturally gifted to co-create with highly committed, engaged and engaging, high-caliber clients.



(Re)Design your coaching program for guaranteed transformation for every client, every time.



Match the capacity and transformational capability of your newly designed coaching program to the high(er) caliber of client you’ve long desired to serve. No pivoting, new audience, or marketing strategy required.

Here’s how this serves you:
If you are a beginner, or relatively new Coach:

This phase answers the fundamental questions you have as you embark on your journey to becoming an exceptional Coach:

  • What am I actually going to offer people?
  • How do I talk to people about it?
  • And how can I make it the highest possible caliber of transformational experience I’m capable of delivering?


If you are an established Coach:

This phase addresses the most common problems coaches at your level experience:

  • Value Collapse: when you’re caught in a vicious cycle of not being able to deliver at your highest capacity because your clients aren’t ready for it… but not having space or bandwidth to attract higher level clients because you have to keep serving your current clients (or lose your business).
  • Feeling unfulfilled and burnt out (because: see above).
  • Seeing sales decline (or the decline on the horizon), and being torn between feeling relieved and terrified (because: money).



Phase Two

IN PHASE TWO, I will guide you in developing the Skillful Means required to ensure an unheard-of success rate in your programs; the data and evidence you require to solidify your unique coaching methodology as the best in your niche; and the Self-Mastery you need to hold strong containers and firm boundaries with your clients, and the self-love and compassion to BE the leader you’re becoming.

YOU’LL COMPLETE THIS PHASE WITH a rock-solid Coaching Methodology all your own; and both the masterful skills and the evidence to support your rightful claim as a true thought-leader in your niche. You’ll be able to take your unique Coaching Methodology anywhere: from the development of new programs; to content that showcases your expertise; to entirely new markets in need of what only you can deliver.

Here’s how we do that:



Master ‘The Skillful Six’ – powerful skills & techniques that separate the good coaches from the extraordinary.



Learn powerful practices for regulating your nervous system, healing old wounds, and creating firm, loving boundaries with your clients and other business relationships… and indeed, within all relationships in your life.



Leverage ‘Fierce Compassion’ to skillfully break through the greatest client challenges & gracefully guide your most challenging clients.

Here’s how this serves you:
If you are a beginner, or relatively new Coach:

This phase will guide you, hand in hand, step by step, client by client, in the HOWs of masterful transformational coaching:

  • How to leverage tried & true coaching techniques & practices;
  • How to develop your own coaching techniques & methods;
  • How to track clients’ progress, and keep them on track so they actually create the results they desire;
  • How to not only handle client challenges (and challenging clients) with grace and compassion; but how to learn from, and massively expand your capacity as a Coach with every single one.


If you are an established Coach:

This phase will also guide you, hand in hand, step by step, client by client, and expansion by expansion in:

  • The HOWs of masterful transformational coaching, just as the newer Coaches receive, but deeper, honoring the breadth and depth of your experience;
  • Proving your Coaching Program (as the best of the best, bar none, in your niche), through data and evidence you gather yourself with my custom Client Transformation Tracker™;
  • And stepping fully into – and owning your value – as a true leader in your niche.



Phase Three

Phase Three is all about Expansion and Positioning. Positioning – an outer game – begins and ends with expansion (of Self, of expertise, of leadership) – the inner game.

TOGETHER, WE WILL: build out your body of work; create content & assets that establish your expertise; and develop the systems & structures to support the continuous expansion of your business, and of yourself.

Here’s how we do that:



Create ‘The 4 Exquisite Structures’ for eradicating burnout & honoring YOU, as a masterful practitioner and divine being, so that you operate at your highest & best in all areas of your life, always, and for the rest of your life.



Build a reputation as the One-and Only Go-To in your niche by mastering the 3 keys to creating immediate trust and effortless impact.



Build a unique body of work & program suite that is infinitely scalable, wildly effective, and creates impact that lasts lifetimes.



Build out ‘The 5 Legacy-Makers’ – rock solid systems that will take your coaching business from solo-career to lineage-maker.

Phase 3 Mentorship is for experienced Coaches only.

Coaches who have at least one year of experience coaching clients full time, and have spent at least 6 months working with me in the MASTERY program will be invited to move into Phase 3 and continue our work together.

straight from the source

What Mastery coaches are saying…

I’ve realized my Purpose (and the thing that drives all of us) is to evolve myself.

Just a few months ago I was crying to you down Voxer, saying: “this isn’t enough for me! I need more, more, more!” Not more money. More meaning. Because for a long time I thought “Purpose” is a thing outside of you. (Like your purpose is to end world hunger or something.)

What I’ve come to realize through our relationship is that my Purpose (and the thing that drives all of us) is to evolve ourselves. But you can’t evolve yourself on your own. You have to evolve yourself through the relationships that you have with mentors, with your clients, with your loved ones. ALL of my relationships are evolving, and that is evolving me.

And that is the most satisfying feeling on earth.



is uniquely effective because we focus on building:

→ DEEP UNDERSTANDING OF THE TRANSFORMATIONAL PROCESS: how true transformation actually happens on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes…

Because once you know the principles, you can build ANY kind of program you desire, and facilitate epic and profound transformation, with every single client, every single time.

→ EMBODIMENT OF YOUR SKILL & WISDOM THROUGH EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE; not theory. And not just any evidence… evidence you will gather, analyze, and learn to make strategic decisions in your coaching practice using a proprietary Client Transformation Tracker™ developed exclusively for MASTERY Coaches.

→ COACHING & FACILITATION TECHNIQUES SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR COACHING LEADERS & IMPACT-MAKERS through their inevitable roadblocks faster, more effectively, and with more grace, lightheartedness, and humor than ever before.

Plus, a deep understanding of why and how those techniques and practices work, so that you can customize them, toss them in your toolbox and use them occasionally, employ one or two heavily, or some combination of all of the above to suit YOU, your unique processes, and your unique clients.

→ KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS THAT ARE TRANSFERABLE TO ANY KIND OF COACHING, in any kind of industry, so that, no matter where your clients and your path takes you – whether that’s Corporate, Entertainment, the Arts, Sports, the Financial Sector, Social Enterprise, Non-Profit, or anywhere else.

an exquisite, custom container

the structure of


Mastery is a 12-month, fully private (1-1), bespoke mentorship that includes:

We’ll dive deep into optimizing how you’re applying what you’re learning in MASTERY; and go to the source and bust through your greatest challenges, whether they be issues with your clients, mastering a particular skillset, or moving through the deep, personal muck & mire that inevitably arises on this journey.


Access resources, frameworks, and deep-dive teachings designed to give you a rock-solid foundation on which to build a successful, high-integrity Transformational Coaching practice. This includes my proprietary Client Transformation Tracker™ – a game-changing tool for ensuring your clients’ results are beyond their expectations.


A safe, nurturing, wise, and super supportive community of coaches who know that their success is your success, and vice-versa. Built on Mighty Networks, the Coacth This Way Community includes an exclusive space inside for MASTERY coaches only. For a growing community of high-integrity coaches, this space is pure gold.


Unlimited access to me via WhatsApp or Voxer for the duration of our time together. This is deep, on-demand support, with rapid response (between a few minutes and about an hour, daytime Monday through Friday. And an occasional Saturday when we’ve got something juicy brewing!)


Is Mastery only for experienced coaches?

No! Mastery is open to anyone who has a deep desire to turn your unique wisdom, experience, and perspectives into a coaching or training methodology that deeply serves individuals, groups, and/or communities in transforming their lives, which may include their relationships, health and wellbeing, businesses, finances, spiritual connection, and more.

Is Mastery only for women?

Mastery is open to people of any gender! However you identify, whoever you are, however you express yourself, you are most welcome here. Kindness, compassion, and respect for all people are the only pre-requisites in terms of identity and self-expression.

Is Mastery a coach certification program?

Most coach certification programs have strict requirements, such as specific educational or professional qualifications, as well as a minimum number of coaching hours (usually unpaid, or by donation) for program completion. This often means that those with extremely valuable life experience or unique expertise who are unable (or justifiably unwilling) to meet those specific criteria are excluded.

For those reasons and more, Mastery is not a certification program, and will never become one.

But, shouldn't I become certified as a coach through an accredited program?

In my opinion, this is not a matter of “should;” but instead, one of choice. There is a lack of consensus in the industry around the standards for coaching certification: Who sets these standards? And why them? And who certifies the certifiers? These questions remain unaswered.

Additionally, all certification programs of which I’m aware teach you their coaching methodology (and many require an ongoing licensing fee, and/or periodic recertification (and accompanying fees) to continue to utilize this methodology). This seriously limits your awareness of the many, many techniques, practices, and methods available, which can have the detrimental effect of hindering your ability to customize your work to suit your individual clients’ needs.

In Mastery, you’ll make continuous education about alternative techniques and methodologies a life-long practice! And, most importantly, you’ll develop your own, unique coaching methodology that will continue to serve you, and make YOU money, for the rest of your life (and beyond!).

Final thoughts on certification: the truth is, your clients care about your skillfulness, your wisdom, your compassion, your integrity, and whether they feel like they trust themselves to create the results they want with you as their coach. They’re not asking for your credentials.

What if I'm already confident in my program design and delivery; can I move straight into Phase 2 or Phase 3?

In order to establish a common language, and so that I can deeply understand you and your work and serve you to be best of my ability, all Mastery coaches begin in Phase 1. However, you and I might move through Phase 1 in a couple of weeks, whereas another client might spend months, or the majority of their time with me, there. This is the beauty of the custom, bespoke structure of Mastery!

Do you offer payment plans?

Absolutely. You’ll find all the details in the ‘Investment’ section below.

I created Mastery to give talented coaches like you the opportunity to become truly exceptional as a Transformational Coach, by discovering, then leveraging the unique way that you are most gifted to serve…

and then applying your gifts to coaching those who are best positioned for massive transformation & massive impact: leaders.

hi, I’m Phyllis Wilson

With over 25 years of teaching and coaching experience (that’s more than half my life!), and having spent the last several years exclusively mentoring other coaches in the online space, I have a keen eye for what really works to create permanent, positive change in individuals, in partnerships and teams, in communities, and beyond.

And what I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, is that that kind of change can only be created when conscious leaders are leading with their unique gifts, perspectives, experiences, and Purpose.

Otherwise? It’s people making money off of other people making money. In other circles, that’s called a pyramid scheme – and unfortunately, it’s become synonymous with the online coaching industry.

I’m here to change all that, and elevate Coaching (and conscious coaches) to the highest levels of respect, globally. The Coaching Industry is crying out for a transformation of its own; let’s use our mastery to make that happen!

Phyllis Wilson

straight from the source

What Mastery coaches are saying…

This container has held me in such a way that my unique methodology was just channeled through…

I was aware that I had all this growth and these tools and I had this ache to share them with the world. And I looked at pre-existing coaching programs and courses and none of them spoke to me. They felt very removed from my own personal experience.

Whereas, what you’ve brought out in this program is nurturing coaches to create something that is purely from them, that is who they are. This container has held me in such a way that [my coaching methodology] was just channeled through and was there suddenly; in fact it was always there. Everything feels so expansive and soft and holistic…


is the Mastery program for you?

You will have the most success in Mastery if you:


… you place a high value on your own personal & spiritual growth and development (however you define ‘spiritual’). In other words, you are committed to a life-long journey of self-discovery and expansion; otherwise known as Self-Mastery.


… you will settle for nothing less than exceptional when it comes to the caliber of your coaching; and the journey of becoming exceptional feels exciting & enlivening to you.


… you are open and available to being coached; this includes asking questions, potentially getting things wrong, and speaking up about your emotions and experiences. This is a shame-free zone, and you contribute to that with your openness and heart.


… you appreciate an approach to business growth that prioritizes exceptionally high-quality program development & self-mastery above endlessly agonizing over messaging, copy, and getting “sales in the door.”

investment & next steps

The Investment in Mastery

is $30,000 (USD) for the year.

Payment Options:

→ I offer a 20% discount for payment in full or with qualifying payment plans.

→ For qualified individuals in the U.S. and Canada, I partner with a fantastic company that offers funding with extended (3-5 year) payment plans, and low monthly payments.

→ Custom payment plans are available for others. We can discuss this on our Introductory (Discovery) Call.

→ At this time, I accept payment in USD, CAD, GBP, and EUR. Other currencies may be possible as well.