Foundations of

Transformational Coaching

7-Part Course inside the Coach This Way Community

Foundations of Transformational Coaching is designed to support you in understanding the theory and practice of transformation on a deep, deep level.

… so that you can be the kind of coach you’re meant to be, making the kind of difference you’re here to make. Here’s what you’ll receive:
Evolution of Consciousness: Foundations of Transformation

This video lesson dives into the theory and philosophy of transformation.

Transformational Coaching Program Design Mini-Course

This 3-lesson course teaches you how to design a coaching program that faciliates change in the three critical areas of your clients’ lives: circumstances, behavior, and identity.

The Transformation Tracker™

This uniquely designed tool supports you in helping your clients acheive extraordinary results. 

Two Private Q&A Calls

Book two 30-minute, private (1-1) calls in a 1-month period (with me, Phyllis) to review your course progress and get your questions answered.

Three Month Membership in the Coach This Way Community

Includes access to additional workshops and training tools to watch and learn at your leisure. You can also ask questions in the community chat. (Please note: while this community is mostly dormant right now, it will be reactivated in the coming months, and you’ll be more than welcome to stay when it does!)

What’s Next?

→ Once you make your payment (below), I’ll reach out to you via email with instructions on accessing the Coach This Way Community. (This could take up to 24 hours, but more likely it will be just a few, depending on when you sign up.)

→ Once you’re in the community, I will give you access to the courses and workshops and reach out to you to help you find your way around!

→ You will see instructions on booking your 1-1 calls with me once you’re in. You can choose to do that immediately or wait until after you’ve watched a training or two. Up to you!

Got Questions? I’m happy to answer!

→ Email me at phyllis[at]

→ Or DM me on Insta (coach.this.way) or FB (wisebluelotus)

One-Time Payment of $550