
The Blog

Coach This Way

Articles, videos, and resources dedicated to massively up-leveling your skills, capacity, and well-being as a Transformational Coach. I cover program creation, pricing, business & financial growth, client relationships, personal relationships, emotional resilience, spiritual expansion, and much, much more.

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Your Only Job is Self-Actualization

Your Only Job is Self-Actualization

"The most important thing for you to know right now is this: as a Transformational Coach, your only job is self-actualization." I said this to someone just the other day as we were discussing my 3-month program for new Coaches. It kind of rocked his world. And I get...

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Hi, I’m Phyllis Wilson

I so appreciate your time and attention, so, thank you for stopping by!

I work with Coaches, Trainers, and Teachers of all types and levels of experience; teaching them how to radically up their coaching game by learning to leverage their own personal growth and expansion in service of others…

and how to work with the most potent and powerful medicine on the planet: LOVE.

Together, we’re here to bring more joy, more pleasure, more compassion, and yes, more money and prosperity to the world and to one another.


Work With Me

‘WE’RE ALL ALRIGHT’ is a podcast where I explore all the reasons we have to be hopeful, even joyful, about humanity and our world today… despite what we see in the headlines.

You’ll find ‘We’re All Alright’ in your favorite podcast player – and when you do, don’t forget to hit Follow so you never miss an episode.
